I found this book on ebay few days ago. You know how ebay is about .. 'rip off'.
People can sell things at ridiculously price. And there'll always another group of people willing to pay for it.
This book, for example, is set at 25$ .. and 15$ shipping worldwide. So, Total of 40$.
Due to its content is all Japanese, I had to ask my friend who live in Japan to check it out.
He showed me a link, it costs 1200 Yen .. 1200 Yen !!! 1200 Yen is about 332 THB.
OK, I figured it all out ...
I then turned to Kinukuniya Book Store. Luckily I got ISBN from my friend. So, it was very easy to check with Kinokuniya.
They sell the book at 575 THB. I'd no hesitation of making an order.
The customer service gave me booking number and told me I 've to wait around 2-3 weeks.
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